Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Devil wears sensible shoes

I'm getting excited now because it's almost half way through the week and I'm still alive (although not so well) and enjoying my first week of work. It's a bit nerve wracking being the new girl as I don't know how things are done or where things are kept so it's a steep learning curve but I hope within a few weeks I'll get to know things and it'll all be O.K.

I went to the shops after work today. I have a blister the size of a 1 pence piece on my right heel. It's because of the boots I'm wearing. They make standing for long periods or walking uncomfortable so I Red high-heeled shoe.decided to see if I could fine a flatter, comfier pair. No such luck unfortunately. Which is the story of my life where it comes to shoes. Nothing ever fits right. I have really wide feet so I often find I have to go up a size to make sure I can get the width right. Sadly this often means that when I walk the back of the shoe just flaps up and down. I've come to the conclusion that I'd be better off buying two shoe boxes!

So I had no shoes but I did buy a blouse. A white one. I don't often find white blouses I like. I find manufacturers like to put all sorts of twiddly bits on the front of them and make the arms to tight on them too. I like mine much more plain. Especially as I have a chest and that often distorts things! So when I find ones I like I buy them. I also got some curries for OH and I to have for tea and a few other bits in Asda and then headed for the bus stop.

I got to the stop 5 minutes after the bus had gone which was a right royal pain as I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next one and I shockingly discovered is was the second to last bus of the day so I was glad I'd gotten there when I did. Buses are great if you don't mind waiting and you stick to office hours. If you can't do those things then they're pretty pants. It's one of the reasons I want to learn to drive. I won't be tied to times and places so much then. I'll be able to go where I want when I want.

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