Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thinner the cane the more the pain!

Today we had a Victorian theme at school. It was brilliant. All the children came in costume and so did the staff and role played being in a school. I thought that it was very realistic we had props and everything. We even had some canes that the teacher pretended to use. The children did Victorian lessons (some of the maths they were given to do even I couldn't do but that's probably be because i'm squiffy that way!), they had drill.

I was rather jealous. When I was in school we never got this level of involvment in our learning. We did work on the Victorians. I remember doing the research but we never got to do drama or anything like that, that related to the topic. It does make me happy to see that this generation is getting a better involvement in history. I have a great love of what has gone on in the past and I think it shows a lot about what is happenening now. Why we do what we do and how we do it. My gran never wastes anything. She scrapes butter pots clean and saves used wrapping paper. Not because she's a cleptomaniac but because she grew up during World War II. She had to skrimp and save and re-use everything she could and it's stuck. History gives us a window to the way we were and the way we are.

Hopefully what these children learned today will stay with them for a long time and won't be washed away as quickly as reading it in a boring book.

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