Sunday, May 17, 2009

My comment on today's postsecrets

This week's postsecrets were dedicated to college and university leavers. Frank had been to a graduation ceremony somewhere in the US and given a speech. He's opened the commenting feature on the blog for one week only so that people can write their own pearls of wisdom to graduates. Here is my offering:

It's okay to fail. Sometimes your failures can be your biggest successes.

I failed my PGCE (teaching degree in u.k) last year due to stress and depression. When I look back now at the failures I had I can see that they only really made me stronger and more determined to suceed at what mattered. Since then I've got a job working as a teaching assistant, I've moved half way across the country to be with the person I loved most in the world and who supported me through all of it... and last month he proposed! What's more I'm happier than i've ever been.

Failing made me realise that succeeding is not always reaching the goal you set out for.