Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bar humbug!

Christmas is already beginning to seem like it's going to be rubbish. I had a great weekend at my boyfriend's but now I'm back at home and I'm back to my sister being the golden child. Even when mum nags her about doing her essays for uni she apologises for doing so (she never did that for me!). She's just had a go at me for eating too many chocolates out of the tin of celebrations that's for the whole family. For f**k's sake it's chocolate and I didn't have that many. If you don't want me to eat them either don't buy them or just pronounce them yours, sister's and dad's. You act like you're the only members in the family anyway so you might as well cut me out of the chocolate share too.

Yeah yeah I know you're probably thinking it's older sister syndrome but there are so many things in my life that have happened that make me think my family didn't actually want me and whenever something happens that means me and my sister are head to head. She always wins. I have a complex now.

I was looking forward to this Christmas. My second one with my first ever boyfriend (I was a geek at school and not one of the Barbies who always had dates). But there is something about the idea of being cramped into a room with someone else every night due to lack of bedrooms and an increase in relatives and the fact that more than one of the relatives are incredibly annoying and make the christmas period unbearable. What's worse is that because we're all cramped into rooms there is nowhere to escape when you feel like s**t and just want to escape for an hour.

Bah humbug!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Why is life so rubbish?

Yeah yeah I know, I haven't posted on here in yonks but sometimes you just have to vent don't you. Well today is one of those days. Well actually I wanted to vent yesterday and big style but there wasn't much opportunity to get on here and do that. Why? Well because I was too busy trying to be nice to someone I'd been truthful to who decided that asking me to tell her when it was too much wasn't really what she wanted. She just wanted me to keep stum and suffer instead.

I shall explain further. I've just started a new course a uni one which is probably one of the most challenging things you could ever do. I'm doing a teaching course called a PGCE. I have new housemates this year (don't even get me started on the last lot!) two are doing secondary teaching and one is doing Primary like me. One week into this course and Primary housemate goes and breaks her leg. She's now in plaster and my housemates and I have been treated like her slaves. The doctor has told her any movement in the bone and she'll have to have surgery and that having a wheelchair to go round college in would be useful. Her mum asked if I could push her round in a wheelchair which was o.k. I suppose but the thing that gets me is she says it's because her daughter can't do it herself..... rubbish. I've driven and wheeled a wheelchair myself before. I'm smaller and slightly thinner than her and I have the strength to push both me and her round in one so I was a bit miffed by that but agreed. This housemate said to me, at the start about 5 weeks ago now, if it gets too much just tell me.

So yesterday I had a bit of a straw broke the camel's back moment. Plastered housemate gets a taxi to college every morning as she can't get there on foot (or wheelchair it seems!). Now the taxi is meant to be here at the house at 8.30 am so we're into college in time for 9am lectures. Now whilst it's not her fault he is more often than not late, I can't be waiting around for him to arrive (I go with her as I wheel her once she's in college (sigh)) I have a big year ahead of me and I need to be in all the lectures and arrive on time if not early. If the taxi isn't there by ten to nine then I have to walk it. It's my last chance to get there on time. Yesterday the taxi got to our house at 8.55! I could have gone before then but plastered housemate was standing in the doorway blocking my way. We finally got into college at two minutes to nine I frantically pushed her to the other side of college where our lecture was and we made it there 2 minutes late. I was so frustrated. Then because she can't climb stairs and some rooms don't have lifts to them our tutor came to talk to her and said you'll have to switch tutor groups this afternoon and asked me if I minded going with her. I said no I didn't but was thinking I really rather not. I need space. The last month hardly anyone has talked to me because she interrupts them or they don't like her and think I'm her mate but I'm not. So I've felt like a social leper and when people do chat to her they talk to her and not me. It's like I'm an extension of the wheelchair and if I go anywhere without her they ask where she is like I'm her minder or something.

So I went to my tutor at the end of the lecture and explained and she offered some suggestions and told me to talk to plastered housemate. As soon I'd finished talking to the tutor plastered housemate was like what was that about was it me (she's incredibly nosey). What else could I do but tell her. I'm not coping I need some people to help get you round college or some more help from you. With that she burst into tears and wailed that it was all her fault which I said it wasn't she couldn't help her condition I just need help I can't go on like this. Then I never heard a peep from her till next lecture. I got "do you want me to go home?" I said no with a surprised tone thinking how on earth did you come to that conclusion? Then at the end of that lecture it was lunch. Plastered housemate said she had a lunch date so I said ok and someone who'd obviously noticed I was upset invited me back (co-incidentally the only one who had as the rest were cooing over plastered housemate). So we both parted. I talked over my situation over lunch and my mates agreed I was right to do what I did. I texted plastered housemate to see if she needed any help as I don't mind doing the odd bit. She said no. I went to my seminars with the mates i'd had lunch with. Texted again to check plastered didn't need a push to the taxi....NO.

Walked home alone which felt liberating. Texted the secondary housemates to let them know the situation. Then braved stepped over the threshold and went straight to my room as I was feeling bad. But also knew she was mad and couldn't quite fathom why considering she'd told me on numerous occasions that I was to tell her if it was too much. Girl secondary housemate (GSH) turned up and tried to mediate between the two of us. Plastered was having none of it saying that I wanted her out my room (I swapped mine room for hers as mine is on the ground floor) and that I wanted her to leave. Absolute nonsense I said nothing of the sort. She refused to talk to me. I was happy to have a discussion and sort things. Then I went to talk to her. I apologised for telling when I did and probably less tactfully than I could have. But she said she was mad because I told the tutor first. Sigh, how childish. I spoke to the tutor first because I needed help.

Then she made this big thing about how she was leaving forever. GSH and boy secondary housemate (BSH) spent 3 hours convincing her to stay. By the end of it was happy and chatty. She even cheerily told me to come chat. Me who'd spent the last 3 hours upstairs feeling rough as s**t because of her. When her parents came I was so miffed because she said you may want to go upstairs as my mum will be cross with you....... Pah! The cheek of you I spent 5 weeks wheeling you round she should be bloody well grateful and if she had had a go I would have given my 2p worth I tell you.


We're now of the opinion she was putting a spoiled little girl act on. The one little kids do when they say they're leaving home, pack a case, toddle to the end of the road then look back to see who's following and begging them to stay. We reckon we've been had and she'll be back Monday like nothing happened. Well if she is then she won't be fooling us again. Just because you're parents are rich doesn't mean you can get away with murder!