Sunday, December 11, 2005
Boris Johnson is on the front bench?....NOOOOO
I can't believe it Boris has a job as shadow minster for higher education. I laughed for about half and hour then cried. O.k so despite what people think he is quite intellegent but why higher education, especially while i'm in it!
Monday, November 21, 2005
One tiring weekend
This weekend was really hectic, we had a music group practice on Friday, cleaned church and went to see the new harry potter on saturday and installed a new vicar on Sunday whilst also trying to finish a 3000 word essay for today ( i managed it thank goodness). I was so exhausted today though. I've slept virtually all afternoon. We got a letter through the other day about the christmas market, it looks like it's going to be a nightmare to get around when it's on. Oh well it's only for 4 days we'll just have to like it or lump it.

You're Ron Weasley! You're a little shy, and
sometimes overshadowed by you're friends. You
don't mind too much- you'd do anything for
them- but sometimes you dream of doing
something amazing to get YOU noticed. You're
enthusiastic and funny and your friends often
look to you for cheering up. Go Chudley
The Harry Potter Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You're Ron Weasley! You're a little shy, and
sometimes overshadowed by you're friends. You
don't mind too much- you'd do anything for
them- but sometimes you dream of doing
something amazing to get YOU noticed. You're
enthusiastic and funny and your friends often
look to you for cheering up. Go Chudley
The Harry Potter Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, November 11, 2005
Bad sleplres of the wlrod uinte!
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorant!
The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorant!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Ban Comic Sans!

Why is it that everyone in the world seems to use comic sans? Is it that great a font. I can think of tonnes of other fonts that people could use. And those big corporations who use it should be shot. Surely they have enough ingenuity
to come up with their own font its not that difficult or expensive!
Sorry for that outburst but it's been driving me round the bend for years now and i've finally got it off my chest!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Forgive me father for I have sinned...
Me: Bless me father for I have sinned It has been 19 years since my last confession
Father O'haddock: What is your confesion my child?
Me: I had fish and chips for Lunch. I was doing so well father. I go past the fish and chip shop nearly every day on my way to and fro college. But today Father I sucumbed to it's devilish scent and alluring advertisements.
Father O'haddock: Say four our fathers and two hail marys and your sins will be forgive my child.
Father O'haddock: What is your confesion my child?
Me: I had fish and chips for Lunch. I was doing so well father. I go past the fish and chip shop nearly every day on my way to and fro college. But today Father I sucumbed to it's devilish scent and alluring advertisements.
Father O'haddock: Say four our fathers and two hail marys and your sins will be forgive my child.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Phobics of the world unite!
I have them how about you?
I'm afraid of moths (Mottephobia) and Butterflies (Lepidophobia - not on the list but it is one others believe I looked to make sure it had a name!). I even belong to a website/forum of people who hate them. It's amazing what you can find on the internet.
I'm afraid of moths (Mottephobia) and Butterflies (Lepidophobia - not on the list but it is one others believe I looked to make sure it had a name!). I even belong to a website/forum of people who hate them. It's amazing what you can find on the internet.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy!
Doing revision for my test on the old testament. Did you know that the ealriest mention of the Israeli nation outside of the Bible is on the Stela of Meneptah and is dated around 1230 BCE? Well if you didn't then there you go! And did you know that Satan does not appear in the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible) Strange that because most people think that the Snake in the Adam and Eve story is satan yet it never mentions that he is, it doesn't even say he's a devil or anything.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Sister 2 Sister: A day of tranquility
If you check out the link above you can see how my day went, I explained it to my sis in her blog and frankly I can't be bothered to do it again it was bad enough the first time!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Yay I'm an ugly duckling!
You Are A: Duckling!
You were almost a: Lamb or a Bunny
You are least like a: Parakeet or a SquirrelWhat Cute Animal Are You?
I hope I grown into a beautiful swan because I don't think I can stand looking like an overipe banana on legs forever!
I hate pants
Now I know why blokes spend most of the time with their hands down their trousers it's because there underpants are wedged up their butt crack! The pants i'm wearing the pants i bought yesterday and they keep giving me a wedgy apart from that they're really comfy, I think i may buy more pairs but slightly bigger ones so they stay where they're put!
Yay Pokoyo is on! I know, it's a kids t.v program but he's so cute and i'm going through a Stephen Fry phase at the moment and he narrates it... so that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it!
Yay Pokoyo is on! I know, it's a kids t.v program but he's so cute and i'm going through a Stephen Fry phase at the moment and he narrates it... so that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tests, undies and Snape!
Today I had a timed assignment otherwise translated as extremely hard exam. How on earth they expect me to write 1500 words in an hour and a half I don't know. That's like sixty words a minute! Oh well if I've failed I'll just have to resit it in January there's nothing more I can do now.
On a brighter note I went shopping with my mum and lil sis today and bought some new undies. I have a pair of boxer type pants. I've finally caught up with the fashion! They look really comfy I plan to wear them tomorrow.
Ooh did anyone see Lost tonight. I'm really into that series I can't wait to get it on DVD I think it's out this week. I may wait till Christmas though as I'm burning cash like crazy at them moment.
I did a lil quiz today, which potter puppet pal are you. As you may have guessed I have an obsession with Alan Rickman (he won O.K's Most Attractive Man poll for September!) and also one with Snape so my answers were kind of skewed!

You are Puppet Pal Snape, the Potions master! We
love you! :)
Which Potter Puppet Pal are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
On a brighter note I went shopping with my mum and lil sis today and bought some new undies. I have a pair of boxer type pants. I've finally caught up with the fashion! They look really comfy I plan to wear them tomorrow.
Ooh did anyone see Lost tonight. I'm really into that series I can't wait to get it on DVD I think it's out this week. I may wait till Christmas though as I'm burning cash like crazy at them moment.
I did a lil quiz today, which potter puppet pal are you. As you may have guessed I have an obsession with Alan Rickman (he won O.K's Most Attractive Man poll for September!) and also one with Snape so my answers were kind of skewed!
You are Puppet Pal Snape, the Potions master! We
love you! :)
Which Potter Puppet Pal are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Monday, October 31, 2005
I had the strangest dream
Last night I had what can only be described as the strangest dream ever... Although perhaps not as I have had a long line of strange dreams since starting college last year, I think there must be something strange in the water in Lincoln.
Last night I had a dream I was pregnant and was effectively ready to pop. It was so strange as I went round a variety of places that I probably wouldn't dream of going when pregnant (especially at that stage anyway) such as going to a local fair and going on rides such as rollercoasters and bumper cars. I was going round with my mum she kept asking me if I was all right and if my waters had broken or anything and I kept saying no but had the strangest feeling every time she asked.
I woke up this morning thinking about this and put it down to my hormones and the amount of Vicks vapour nasal unblocker I had inhaled the day before (why is it that my nasal passages try and suffocate me every time I get a cold?), I must have been high from the fumes. When I got to college one of the other girls in my class said she'd had a similar dream except she kept waking herself up thinking that she could feel the baby kicking. Which made me think more seriously about the something in the water idea!!!
This dream is going to take some deciphering. I have been watching Desperate Midwives on BBC Three recently but I gave that up as it made me broody so this may explain partly why I had the dream. I do want to have children but not yet. Firstly I need to find the right man for me then I would eventually want to get married. I don't want to have children without getting married. It sounds a bit old fashioned in today's society but I think it adds a new dimension to the relationship and is a symbol of commitment. I'm not against other people not getting married but I think it shows kids that they are part of a unit. So although I have this great longing at the moment to have a little, tiny, cute baby all of my own I'm trying to tell myself that I'm not ready yet and that I need to wait till I have somebody special to share the experience with.
Although the dream is puzzling me I'm just grateful that it wasn't as bad as the one I had about the girl using a mustache as a skipping rope!
Last night I had a dream I was pregnant and was effectively ready to pop. It was so strange as I went round a variety of places that I probably wouldn't dream of going when pregnant (especially at that stage anyway) such as going to a local fair and going on rides such as rollercoasters and bumper cars. I was going round with my mum she kept asking me if I was all right and if my waters had broken or anything and I kept saying no but had the strangest feeling every time she asked.
I woke up this morning thinking about this and put it down to my hormones and the amount of Vicks vapour nasal unblocker I had inhaled the day before (why is it that my nasal passages try and suffocate me every time I get a cold?), I must have been high from the fumes. When I got to college one of the other girls in my class said she'd had a similar dream except she kept waking herself up thinking that she could feel the baby kicking. Which made me think more seriously about the something in the water idea!!!
This dream is going to take some deciphering. I have been watching Desperate Midwives on BBC Three recently but I gave that up as it made me broody so this may explain partly why I had the dream. I do want to have children but not yet. Firstly I need to find the right man for me then I would eventually want to get married. I don't want to have children without getting married. It sounds a bit old fashioned in today's society but I think it adds a new dimension to the relationship and is a symbol of commitment. I'm not against other people not getting married but I think it shows kids that they are part of a unit. So although I have this great longing at the moment to have a little, tiny, cute baby all of my own I'm trying to tell myself that I'm not ready yet and that I need to wait till I have somebody special to share the experience with.
Although the dream is puzzling me I'm just grateful that it wasn't as bad as the one I had about the girl using a mustache as a skipping rope!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
A grand total of none
Today I have a grand total of 0, zilch, emails obviously I am not the world's most popular person but I must have at least one person/machine that wants to send a message even if it is meaningless. I mean I normally get all manor of junk mostly involving whether I want a certain part of my body enlarging (one day I plan to email them back and tell them they should check te name's on the emails more carefully as I don't think I'm excluded from their offer as I'm female) yet even they have taken the day off. Is there some unwritten rule that people are not allowed to spam you on a Sunday? If so I missed it.
I came back to Lincoln today, I came home for the holiday. Oh well i'm on my lovely new blog now so that will keep me entertained anyway.
I came back to Lincoln today, I came home for the holiday. Oh well i'm on my lovely new blog now so that will keep me entertained anyway.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
A whole new way of looking at things
Today I started over with a new leaf. I have created myself a blog. This is not a new idea of mine in fact I've had numerous ones I even had one on here before, it was called spotty blog... The diaries of a teenager. It was crap I only posted twice then got bored. This time I've promised myself I won't do that, I'm going to make it as interesting as possible. Starting from now.
Current favourite colour: Terracotta
Scariest moment of the day: when dad set off a rocket and it crashed in the middle of the street. We thought we may have recked someone's car. Luckily it didn't hit anything we think it exploded over a house.
Last thing I ate: a pork and apple sausage
Last person who talked to me: my sister, she said 'night tors'
First thing that comes into your mind when you think about sofas: Leather
Current favourite colour: Terracotta
Scariest moment of the day: when dad set off a rocket and it crashed in the middle of the street. We thought we may have recked someone's car. Luckily it didn't hit anything we think it exploded over a house.
Last thing I ate: a pork and apple sausage
Last person who talked to me: my sister, she said 'night tors'
First thing that comes into your mind when you think about sofas: Leather
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